Ethics Management Reporting Center

JL Heavy Industry Co., Ltd. is accepting reports on misconduct and unfair trade practices by company executives and employees related to external stakeholders, such as business partners, to establish a transparent and ethical corporate culture.
Reportable actions

  • Illegal and criminal acts related to employees’ duties
  • Acts of giving unfair instructions to stakeholders
  • Improper use of company assets and information, or obtaining unfair benefits
  • Falsification, alteration, damage, or destruction of accounting information, and acts of instructing such actions
  • Acts that harm a healthy corporate culture
  • Other unethical behaviors related to stakeholders

Whistleblower Protection Policy

Protection of whistleblower confidentiality

  • The identity and content of the report will be strictly protected from disclosure against the whistleblower’s will.
  • The reported person or employees of related departments are prohibited from attempting to identify or confirm the whistleblower.
  • Those who cooperate in the verification process of the report, such as providing statements or materials, are equally protected.

Guarantee of whistleblower status

  • No personnel or status disadvantages or discrimination will be made due to legitimate reporting.
  • If disadvantaged due to reporting, protection measures can be requested, and steps will be taken to minimize disadvantages.
  • If the whistleblower requests a transfer, the department head will prioritize accommodating this request.
  • In case of voluntary reporting, responsibility may be reduced considering the degree of misconduct, work attitude, level of remorse, etc.


Reward Policy

Our company operates a reward system for whistleblowers reporting misconduct to enhance business transparency and establish a healthy corporate culture.
If the report contributes to the company’s management activities and the eradication of misconduct, we will implement reward measures after internal review.

However, rewards may be excluded if the report is found to be untrue, difficult to verify due to lack of evidence, if an investigation is already in progress or completed, or if the company’s review determines that a reward is inappropriate.

Operation and Procedure

Receipt and Review

  • Confirmation of receipt
  • Review of reported matters
  • Decision to investigate

Receipt and Review

  • Response to investigation
  • Investigation of facts (confidentiality guaranteed)

Fact-finding Investigation

  • Investigation of facts
  • – Implementation of results

Result Notification

  • Notification to the whistleblower

<제이엘중공업㈜>JL Heavy Industry Co., Ltd. continues to make efforts to establish a proper corporate culture in order to grow sustainably as a trusted company. We establish and pledge to practice ethical regulations as a standard for correct behavior and value judgments that employees must adhere to in order to maintain a clean organizational culture by strictly complying with the basics and principles.

[General Provisions]

1. Purpose

These ethical regulations (hereinafter referred to as “regulations”) aim to provide employees with standards for correct decision-making and ethical judgment.

2. Scope of Application

These regulations apply to all executives and employees belonging to 〈JL Heavy Industry Co., Ltd.〉 (hereinafter referred to as “the company”).

[Basic Ethics for Employees]

3. Basic Ethics for Employees

– Employees maintain pride and self-esteem as members of the company and always maintain an honest and sincere attitude.
– Employees keep in mind that their words and actions are directly linked to the company’s trust and honor, and strive to maintain and develop personal dignity and company honor with high ethical values.
– Employees act in accordance with their conscience while complying with all relevant laws and regulations in performing their duties.

4. Fulfillment of Mission

Employees share the company’s management philosophy and vision, empathize with the goals and values pursued by the company, and fulfill their responsibilities with creativity and sincerity.

5. Fair Performance of Duties

– Employees must perform their duties fairly in compliance with all relevant laws and regulations.
– Employees must not engage in unethical or illegal activities that may be criticized by society, such as unfair instructions, solicitation, preferential treatment, etc., that may hinder their own or others’ fair performance of duties.

6. Avoidance of Conflicts of Interest

– Employees should strive to avoid actions that conflict with the company’s interests or their own private interests when performing their duties.
– When conflicts of interest arise between the company and individuals or departments, employees should prioritize the company’s interests. Violations should be reported to the company’s reporting center.

7. Prohibition of Receiving Unfair Benefits

– Employees must not provide or receive gifts, entertainment, hospitality, or conveniences from job-related persons that may compromise fairness beyond what is socially acceptable in relation to their duties.

8. Mutual Relationships Among Employees

– Employees must maintain basic courtesy necessary for workplace life and must not engage in disrespectful language or behavior or actions that cause distress to other employees, such as slandering.
– Employees must not create factions or discriminate based on educational background, gender, religion, blood ties, or region of origin.
– Employees must not engage in unfair solicitation, excessive gift-giving beyond social norms, or financial transactions among themselves.
– Superiors must not give unfair instructions to subordinates, and subordinates must comply with legitimate instructions from superiors but reject unfair ones.
– Employees must not engage in actions that cause sexual shame, such as sexual harassment, among each other.

9. Transparent Information and Accounting Management

– Employees must acquire and manage all information fairly and transparently, and accounting records and other information must be recorded and managed accurately and honestly.
– Employees must not leak job-related acquired information externally or use it unfairly without prior permission or approval.
– Employees do not make false or exaggerated reports for the benefit of specific individuals or departments, nor do they conceal or monopolize important information.
– The company discloses management information in accordance with relevant laws and regulations to enhance management transparency and credibility.

10. Protection of Company Assets and Information

– Employees must protect and properly use the company’s tangible and intangible assets.
– Employees must actively protect the company’s intellectual property rights.
– Employees must use the company’s budget efficiently in accordance with its purpose and standards.
– Employees must protect and manage the company’s information and trade secrets, and must not leak or use undisclosed company information learned during work for personal gain.

[Ethics Towards Customers]

11. Customer Respect

Employees recognize that customers are our reason for existence and our goal, always respecting customers, thinking from the customer’s perspective, and making customers the top priority in all actions.

12. Protection of Customer Interests

– Employees protect customers’ assets, intellectual property rights, trade secrets, and customer information more preciously than company property and do not infringe on customer interests through immoral acts.
– Employees promptly and accurately provide facts that customers should know or that should rightfully be disclosed to customers.

13. Enhancing Customer Value

Employees do their best to enhance customer value by maintaining the quality level expected by customers when providing products and services, creating a user environment where customers can use them safely and beneficially.

[Ethics Towards Shareholders]

14. Enhancing Corporate Value

The company maximizes corporate value through transparent and efficient management with continuous innovation and shares the results with shareholders.

15. Protection of Shareholder Rights

– The company practices transparent management centered on the board of directors and respects the legitimate demands and proposals of shareholders.
– The company prepares financial statements and other disclosure materials in accordance with relevant laws and accounting standards, and makes timely, appropriate, accurate, and complete disclosures in accordance with relevant laws.

[Ethics Towards Employees]

16. Equal Opportunity and Fair Evaluation

The company provides equal opportunities for education and promotion based on individual abilities and qualities, fairly evaluates and compensates performance and achievements, and does not discriminate based on race, nationality, gender, education, age, religion, region of origin, or physical disability.

17. Talent Development and Promotion of Creativity

The company actively supports employees’ skill development to nurture them as professional and creative talents, and creates conditions where all employees can freely make suggestions and express opinions to promote original and autonomous thinking and behavior.

[Ethics Towards Partners]

18. Co-prosperity Management

– The company selects business partners suitable for business purposes by applying fair and reasonable criteria, and evaluates their implementation process and quality using the same standards, conveying this to the business partners in an appropriate manner.
– The company does not engage in unfair practices using its superior position and pursues mutual benefits and joint development.
– The company actively supports strengthening the competitiveness of business partners through education, finance, RD infrastructure, etc., and recognizes business partners as strategic partners pursuing the common value of customer happiness based on mutual trust.
– The company actively encourages business partners to fulfill their corporate social responsibilities such as workplace safety and respect for human rights of partner members.

19. Protection of Business Partner Information

– The company must protect business partners’ information and trade secrets, and not use them for purposes other than those provided, except with the consent of business partners or as permitted by law.
– The company does not acquire or use information or trade secrets of other companies, including business partners, through illegal or unfair methods.

[Ethics Towards the Nation and Society]

20. Promotion of Sound Culture

– The company contributes to improving the quality of human life and ultimately to human happiness by realizing a convenient and abundant world through continuous technological innovation and business advancement.
– The company complies with all laws and social norms of the regions where it operates, respects local traditions and cultures, considers the social and cultural harmfulness of services provided in business areas, and strives to form and promote a sound culture in local communities when conducting business.

21. Environmentally Friendly Management

The company complies with international standards, related laws, and internal regulations on environmental protection, and practices environmentally friendly management.

22. Social Contribution Activities

As a corporate citizen in business areas, the company actively participates in social service activities such as volunteering and disaster relief.

23. Prohibition of Unfair Political Activities

– The company does not unfairly engage in politics and does not provide illegal contributions or expenses to political parties, politicians, or election candidates.
– The company respects employees’ personal political views. However, employees should be careful not to have their personal political views mistaken for the company’s political stance.

24. Safety and Risk Prevention

– The company must do its best in disaster and risk prevention management by complying with all laws and standards related to safety and health.

[Supplementary Provisions]

25. Obligation to Comply and Responsibility

– All employees must understand and comply with these regulations and take responsibility for violations.
– The CEO is responsible for managing and supervising employees’ compliance with the regulations.

26. Rewards and Disciplinary Actions

– The CEO may implement rewards corresponding to employees who comply with regulations and contribute to establishing ethical management, such as reflecting this in personnel evaluations.
– The CEO may take necessary measures, including disciplinary action, against employees who have engaged in actions that violate the regulations.
– The types, procedures, and effects of disciplinary actions under paragraph 2 shall be in accordance with the company’s disciplinary regulations.

27. Operation of Regulations

The CEO must continuously supplement and develop the content of the regulations to operate in line with the organization’s development and environmental changes.

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